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When she got her pen she sat back down now facing towards me. As my dad started to name off items he needed, i looked over at my mom. She kept peeking over at me with a grin on her face. I Had no idea why until she glanced down. I looked down at her lap. She had her legs spread wide open. What i thought was flesh colored panties was actually not, it was just flesh. My mom had on her black lace garter belt, black stockings, black heels and her black dress. But no panties! As my dad kept naming things off, she continued to write them with her right hand and finger herself with the left. Holy Shit, Not again! Haven't you had enough dick? My cock slowly started to rise to the occasion. Just then my dad stood up and started to walk towards the kitchen. Even though the living room was directly across from the kitchen, he could not see what my mom was doing because of the table cloth. My mom quickly lowered her dress down and stood up. That's all i need hun. Time to head back to work! Okay. His job was mundane, like a nine to five. Mine though not quite as sane. Never been good at following the hive. But my men did thrive & as time went on, the deeper I'd dive. Like an active pro. Though I did not know. A shortness of breath was where all of this would go. I can just about recall them all. The dicks of the men, no matter how small. I had no-pay men from my past on the side, as well. How those sessions would even last I wonder. It was those men that would give me the most amount of hell. Like they were under a spell, & from what I could tell. With my clients, a similar trend. No... it was not to amend. I was their go-to male for their sexual therapy. No overtime pay. Just an act of "take care of me". Exhausting it was. & still in search of my true buzz I was. I disbanded. Between juggling clients & scheduling conflicts, my empire, it was all reprimanded. An invite from a married man to an all-male orgy spa was my last horrah. Steaming sex, such a tightly packed aroma of.
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